Fast, Reliable Tobacco & Nicotine Product Testing

We provide manufacturers of tobacco and tobacco-related products, such as e-cigarettes (ENDS), e-liquids, e-vapor devices, cigarettes, oral tobacco products, gels, or tobacco-free oral nicotine products, with reliable, defensible data with competitive TAT to help you streamline product development and navigate industry regulations. Consult our team of experts now to find out how Labstat can help you.

We are focused on what is important to our clients

Scientific Leadership
Breadth of Testing Capabilities
Providing Technical Solutions to Diverse and Complex Challenges
Producing Reliable and Defensible Results
Fast Reporting Times

Competitive Tobacco & Nicotine Testing Turnaround Times

Waiting for a Certificate of Analysis for nicotine or tobacco testing costs valuable time. We offer larger capacity than other labs, which lets us conduct more tests, faster. We also offer flexible testing schedules to meet your needs.

  • Competitive turnaround times
  • Increased capacity compared to other labs
  • Flexible testing schedules

Data to Help Meet Regulatory Requirements & Ensure Product Safety

You face several technical and regulatory challenges during product development, and you shouldn’t face them alone. One of the most pressing challenges is acquiring accurate, defensible data that helps convince regulators of the safety of reduced risk tobacco products (RRTP) and modified risk tobacco products (MRTP).

Our experts partner with you early during product development so you get the information you need to make the best decisions. In addition, we follow rigorous standards to ensure data integrity.

Extensive quality management system

that governs our infrastructure, IT systems, and SOPs

ISO 17025 Accredited

21 CFR Part 58

(Good Laboratory Practices)

OECD GLP adherence

Our validation process is designed to meet regulatory standards to ensure that submitted data is reliable and defensible, whether you are submitting to FDA (PMTA, MRTP, Substantial Equivalence), Health Canada, EU TPD, ANVISA, or any other regulatory agency.

Leverage Our Industry Expertise to Make the Best Decisions

Since our founding in 1976, we have amassed a wealth of technical expertise that you can leverage during product development and regulatory review. Put our expertise to work for your company.

  • Broad range of assays (more than 180 in chemistry alone) so you get all the testing you need at one lab
  • Guidance on which assays you need
  • Cutting-edge information thanks to our work with regulators and industry experts help you stay ahead of the curve
  • Talk to subject matter experts who can assist in product development, including toxicologists, chemists, microbiologists, engineers, flavor specialists, and regulatory experts

All Your Tobacco & Nicotine Tests at One Lab

We provide a complete range of tobacco and nicotine tests to ensure our clients can obtain the data they need from one laboratory, streamlining business. Our services include the following:


In Vitro Toxicology


Health Canada Testing

  • Health Canada In Vitro Toxicology
  • Health Canada Mainstream Smoke
  • Health Canada Sidestream Smoke

Stability Testing



PMTA Submission Services

  • PMTA Framework, Project Management, and Oversight
  • TPMP Preparation and Auditing Services



Ignition Propensity


CPA Leaf Testing

  • Coresta Agrochemical Guideline
  • USDA Guideline
  • Screening Packages (customized to your needs)

Testing for all Tobacco & Nicotine Products

Whether your company manufacturers Reduced Risk Tobacco Products (RRTP), Modified Risk Tobacco Products (MRTP), or conventional tobacco products, we have you covered.

Electronic cigarettes

Nicotine gum

Waterpipe, Hookah, Shisha


Nicotine lozenges

Roll your own and other non-factory-made products

Heat-not-burn tobacco products

Cigarettes and cigars

Smokeless tobacco & Snus

Tobacco-free pouches

Get a Quote for Tobacco & Nicotine Testing

Complete the form to receive a quote for the nicotine and tobacco testing or regulatory consulting services you need.
