Labstat and The Blinc Group | Cannabis Puffing Regimes
The first step in developing standardized testing for cannabis vape products.
Download North America’s first Cannabis Vape Consumption Survey report to understand how consumers use cannabis vaping devices. Labstat has partnered with the The Blinc Group to devise a relevant puffing regime based on the reality of today’s vape consumers.
As the industry contends with ensuring consumer safety, there is a growing concern regarding potentially harmful compounds, degradation by-products, and adulterants found in cannabis extracts used for vaping and the corresponding cannabis vapour. Currently, there is a lack of guidance within the Canadian and American regulatory systems, creating potential risk for product makers, consumers, and regulatory agencies alike. As a result, analysis of aerosols from vaping devices is vital in providing answers to two fundamental questions:

Is the product performing as designed (i.e., delivering compounds of interest as intended)?

Is the product generating any unintended compounds or degradation by-products?
We collected data from more than 2,000 medical and adult-use cannabis consumers across North America to determine a standardized testing protocol for cannabis vape devices and formulations.
In the pages of this report, you’ll find insights into the self-reported consumption patterns of the average cannabis vape user and our recommendations for puffing regimes to be used during cannabis vape testing, until real-world vaping topography research can be done.