Nicotine Testing

Global experts in specialty research and laboratory testing for modern nicotine and combustible tobacco products.

Cannabis Testing

Technical experience to offer the most comprehensive cannabis testing and regulatory capabilities in the world.

Natural Health Products Testing

Lab testing for natural health products (NHP) and dietary supplements to meet regulatory requirements.

Nicotine & Cannabis Product Testing Leaders

Our commitment to serve our clients is equaled only by our focus to innovate and offer the most advanced science in the industry. The approach at our analytical testing laboratory is to strategically partner with each of our clients to understand their needs and leverage our resident knowledge to provide the best technical and cost efficient solution.

Nicotine Containing Products Testing

Labstat sets the standard for quality of science, quality of service and the fastest turnaround times in the industry. The breadth of our testing capabilities span across multiple nicotine product-types including Reduced Risk Products (RRPs) and Conventional Tobacco Products.

Cannabis Testing from Coast-to-Coast

Labstat has leveraged its technical experience to offer the most comprehensive cannabis testing capabilities in the world. We are also the only cannabis testing laboratory in Canada that offers testing facilities in eastern and western Canada.

Labstat Dietary Supplement Testing Services

NHP & Dietary Supplements Testing

Labstat’s proven knowledge and experience in this highly regulated field is unmatched. Our scientific and technical proficiencies have been designed to solve the most challenging separations and complex analytical puzzles.

Labstat Dietary Supplement Testing Services

Hemp & CBD Testing

We provide comprehensive hemp and CBD testing for potency, homogeneity, heavy metals, microbial contamination, mycotoxins, residual solvents, terpenes, and pesticides

Testing Services

Global leaders in testing nicotine containing and cannabis products. Labstat is recognized as the world’s scientific thought leader with the most extensive testing capabilities in analytical chemistry, in vitro toxicology, microbiology and method development. Our analytical testing laboratory has the the fastest turnaround times in the industry.


Data you can trust. Our clients count on us to provide them with reliable and defensible data. Our method validation process gives our clients confidence that our data will be acceptable to regulatory authorities and support complex decisions in the product development process. We are ISO 17025 accredited and follow the GLP principles (21 CFR Part 58, OECD GLP) for studies which require them. In addition we are compliant with 21 CFR Part 11.

Regulatory Consulting

Experienced regulatory application and filing services all in one place. Our experienced consultants and service providers prepare and execute a complete regulatory submission for FDA PMTA (Pre-Market Tobacco Application) applications and can assess and prepare your facility for GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) compliance in both the nicotine and cannabis markets.
